Monday, 18 May 2015


Yes! Things are growing! Or at least they've been planted... only time will tell if they will actually grow...

I think I'm coming down with a cold and I don't much feel like writing today, so this will be a blog post in pictures:

More pathways! Mel dug out the middle one on Saturday, and I got lazy and just laid down some landscape fabric and piled wood chips on top for the pathway on the left on Sunday. Now just need to do the one on the far right!

4 rhubarb plants went into the ground on Friday night

As did 6 little dinosaur kale seedlings

Here are the onions mentioned in the last post. They seem to be doing OK, but might be turning a bit yellow. Will have to watch them!
The bean trellis is ready to go and the bean seeds have been planted!

Here is my messy plot as I left it Sunday morning. Lettuce has been planted in the bed with the onions, and the morning glories and moonflower seeds have been planted at the corners of the gazebo.

Raspberry bee balm planted at the end of the (future) tomato beds

My awesome tepees! I drove along Albion Rd. this morning and pulled these huge dead branches from the bushes along the side of the road, and then lashed them together in the garden to make two tepees. I planted the super sugar snap peas around the base of both of these, which will eventually grow and cover the whole structure.

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