Sunday, 3 May 2015


Let me start this post by saying that my. body. is. SORE.

I went to the garden for another 3.5 hours this morning, this time at 7:30 AM. There's something I really like about being out in the garden early in the morning before anyone else is around. It's so quiet and refreshing. Once 11:00 rolled around though it was hot out and I was beat. My legs are shaking just walking around the house now (at least I won't need to worry about going to the gym... 3.5 hours of manual labour is more than enough exercise for me!).

Here's today's progress, another 2 beds almost ready to go. I think this week I will start bringing in some compost so I can try to beef up the clay soil. You can tell how poor the soil is by the beds I dug out yesterday- look at that hard, dried, grey clay!

I also had some dead grass that I had raked off of the plot yesterday morning that I decided to lay down in the trenches as mulch. I'll still top it off with wood chips later but I like the way it looks for now, plus it'll stop them from becoming too muddy when it rains.

I'm super pleased with my 6.5 hours of hard work this weekend. I will give myself a well deserved pat on my very sore back!

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