Wednesday, 20 May 2015


The morning glories we planted on Saturday were popping their heads out of the ground today! I can't wait for these to get bigger and start wrapping their way around the gazebo.

I've been battling a nasty cold so I haven't done much work on the garden this week, but I did manage to pick up some composted manure to mix into the tomato and pepper beds last night. I also prepped the heirloom tomato bed with the red plastic mulch, which is supposed to yield more (and bigger) tomatoes - something about the sunlight reflecting red back up onto the plants...

Mom and Dad also came over tonight to help pound in some of the T bars that I will be using as stakes and to trellis certain veggies on (the tomatoes, melons, cucamelons, achochas). We also added a stake down the center of each tepee that I made on the weekend. One of them had blown over in the crazy winds we've had in the last few days, so they needed a bit more support.

The red plastic mulch on the heirloom tomato bed, plus the large green T bars that will be used for tying up the tomatoes. Roma tomatoes will be going in the bed on the right - still need to add the plastic mulch over there. 
Tepees with their new support poles, and T-bars lined up along the edge of the garden and in the far left bed (for the melons)
It's almost planting time! I'm thinking Sunday. Temperatures have been cool lately and it's supposed to go down to 2 degrees on Friday/Saturday, so better safe than sorry. So much for getting things out early this year!

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