Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Hello folks!

Sorry for the large time gap since my last post - I broke my laptop cord and haven't been able to use my computer at home. This post is being brought to you from work! (After hours, of course)

I have a great update today...

First of all, everything has dried out since my last post, yay!

And as for the veggies, the tomatoes are doing awesommmmmme!

The peppers have made a FULL recovery from their black days and are getting MUCH bigger! Most are also putting out a few flowers now, as you'll see below.

The peas seem to be growing REALLY slowly, but they're making their way up the tepees. Next year I'll start my peas much earlier! My neighbours' peas are already taller than me and have peas all over them! Jealous.
Here we have some nasturtiums, a squash plant in the tomato cage, and behind that some melons. Again, the melons seem to be growing slowly and are fending off cucumber beetles, so not sure I will get any melons this year. I started the melons way too early this year and stunted them when I planted them outside - they don't like to sit in pots for too long. Next year I'll pay more attention to when I plant things instead of getting too excited and planting everything in March!!!
A better look at the melons
Here's a picture of my poquito squash, it's big! I had the white fabric covering it to protect it from the cucumber beetles but I took it off so that the flowers could get pollinated.
It has 3 tiny squash on it! Not sure they all got pollinated and/or will grow into full squash, but still exciting!
The kale is doing great ever since I put down eggshells... maybe it was slugs eating it before?

Oh here's something new I haven't given an update on yet... remember the spiny cucumber seeds that Natasha sent to me from the UK? Here's how the achochas are doing! (or the achachachachas as I like to call them). There are 2 of these growing at the front of the garden in front of the tomato bed.
Also covered with fabric to protect from cucumber beetles

What else what else...
Ah yes, finally a morning glory has started to wrap it's way around the gazebo! This also seems to be growing SUPER slowly, but I'm hoping it will take off now...  I did have two moonflowers ready to be planted out as well, but I accidentally left them in my car the other day and they dried out to a crisp (confession - it wasn't really an accident, I did it on purpose, I didn't realize they would get THAT dry though. Stupid me)! You can also get a glimpse of the cucamelons on the netting in this photo. I've avoided updating on them because they look like craaaaaaap. But they're sort of making a comeback so maybe we will get cucamelons after all/I will post on them next time.
And last but not least... the beans! Also slow, but hopefully they make something of themselves soon. You can also see all the random lettuces and the onions in the front bed. One of the onions is actually flowering right now. Anyone know what I'm supposed to do about that? Help me Google.
My neighbour is growing a field of corn across the road. I hope they will share :)

That's about it for this time! Not sure when I'm going to get a new power cord for my computer, but hopefully I don't procrastinate as much between now and the next post. Oh wait I almost forgot! One more thing!
Check out the over-wintered jalapeno! He's winning Best in Show in the garden right now - I counted 37 peppers on him the other day! YIPPEEE! He's a jalapeno MACHINE.
I'll leave you now with a shot of the whole garden to date. Happy gardening!

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